Thursday, July 29, 2010

10 Weeks!

I have been a terrible blogger recently. I can't really blame being busy or anything. It's partly just that this pregnancy has been delightfully smooth so far and so I don't have a lot of venting I need to do. This blog started because I was so frustrated with infertility and felt like I couldn't talk to anyone. I needed an outlet for all my pain and frustration. Now, I am not frustrated and can talk to pretty much anyone about my pregnancy so I just haven't had the need. BUT, I do want to make more of an effort to document this pregnancy and put down all my milestones on paper. So I am going to try to get back to my weekly surveys- with or without pictures. With strange work shifts etc, I've struggled to routinely take my picture every week so I will put it up when I do.

How Far Along?
10 weeks 1 day

Baby's Size?
Well my What to Expect App told me prune but I read strawberry somewhere else which is so much cuter. Apparently since I am now '11 weeks' the babies are on the way to be the size of a lime!

Weight Gain?
As of a week ago, 3 lbs but I'm sure I've gained another lb or two this week. I'm really starting to show- well, I don't think an outsider would think I was pregnant- just getting fat!

All of them. So ready for the 2nd trimester to hopefully bring some relief. Taking Zofran every day to try and keep the nausea at bay. Terrible heartburn at nights. Other random things- leg cramps, fatigue etc but the nausea and heartburn are the worst.

I rarely feel hungry for anything but I do eat still. Eating bread tends to make me feel better. Apparently it soaks up stomach acid or something like that. Also loving lemonade.

Maternity Clothes?
Most of my pre-pregnancy pants no longer button or they do but feel uncomfortably tight. So I either wear a couple of one size bigger jeans or maternity jeans. Still wearing normal tops. I'm working at GAP for another couple of weeks so I've already stocked up on my maternity wardrobe while I have my discount!

Stretch Marks?
No and I have the cocoa butter stuff I'm going to start spreading on myself to prevent it.

Pretty good at the moment.

I can't feel it and won't for many more weeks. But we can see them moving during the ultrasounds. Baby A is super active and wiggles around lots!

Best Moment of the Week?
Seeing the babies yesterday. Baby A had hiccups- so cute!!!

I am convinced there is one girl but I don't know if it's one of each or two girls!

What I miss?
Not feeling nausceous. Also our RE has us on sex probation until 12 weeks which is a bit ridiculous but I couldn't live with myself if we did and something happened so we're waiting and that is definitely very old!

What I'm looking forward to?
Hitting 12 weeks. I'm not particularly nervous about things- seeing the babies every week really helps! Still it'll be great to hit that milestone. Also hoping to start feeling better then!

Graduated from the RE (an important milestone but kinda sad- I really like them!)
No more progesterone suppositories- hooray!

I tear up at every touching moment on TV shows. I sometimes feel nervous- less about the pregnancy and more like 'omg, we're going to have TWO infants in our house in 6 months'. But the overwhelming emotion I feel is happiness and joy and intense LOVE for my two amazing babies.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

8 weeks!

I haven't posted in forever because I have been sick and also busy with my mother in law being in town and then a work conference. But things are progressing very well- the babies are growing nicely and seeing them once a week is such a joy! We only have two more scans with the fertility dr which is kinda exciting and kinda sad at the same time (i love my weekly viewings of my babies!)
Anyway, I feel like crap pretty much all the time but I won't complain because I just feel very pregnant and that's a wonderful thing. Less than 4 weeks now until I get to 12 weeks which is very exciting!

Friday, July 2, 2010

6 Weeks!!!

I think the angle on this photo is a bit funny and there's a bad shadow on it but there's no real change from last week anyway.

How Far Along?
6 weeks 2 days

Baby's Size:
apparently the babies are the size of a blueberry but it also says .25in so I'm thinking a pretty small blueberry!

Weight Gain:
up .2lb since I found out so no real weight gain yet which is good

ugh, SO much nausea but no vomiting. I feel better in the afternoon but mornings and evenings are rough. No appetite. I feel hot a lot and have leg cramps. But my face is super clear and I'm not throwing up so it could definitely be worse! Plus, I love having some symptoms because it feels more real. Especially how much sicker I've felt this last week, great sign!

Nothing sounds good to me at all. But I'm enjoying this yummy Greek yogurt my mother in law bought.

Maternity Clothes:

Stretch Marks:

I am really tired and fall right asleep at like 10pm (despite sleeping in until 8am). I usually wake up once during the night burning up and feeling awful but I do get back to sleep.

Best Moment of the Week:
Seeing two heartbeats fluttering away at the ultrasound! Also, hubby and his mom have cleaned out and painted our nursery yellow which is wonderful.


This week I'm think it's two girls. No real good reason though so who knows!

What I miss:
My appetite!

What I'm looking forward to:
Getting to 12 weeks will be so wonderful. Still a while away but with having seen the heartbeats, I guess it's the next big thing.

Two heartbeats!

Being sick and tired isn't fun but I'm really happy and it's starting to feel more real (partly due to the sickness no doubt!) It still feels like it's such wonderful news I must be dreaming!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2 Beautiful Beating Hearts!

We had an ultrasound yesterday at 5w6d and I had prepared myself not to see a heartbeat yet since it was early. But, we saw the most wonderful sight- two beautiful fluttering tiny hearts! One was too hard to measure and the other measured tentatively at 119. We'll get slightly better measurements next week.

I'm so overjoyed- seeing both of their heartbeats made it seem much more real. The babies are measuring 1 day apart which is normal apparently and I don't need to come back for a whole week- hooray.

It still feels surreal that I am pregnant- much less that I am pregnant with twins! Mind you the non-stop nausea does provide a nice reminder! It's all so exciting.

Friday, June 25, 2010

5 Weeks Picture and Survey

How Far Along?
5 weeks and 2 days!

Baby's Size:
As I'm in my 6th week, What To Expect tells me my babies are the size of sweet peas!

Weight Gain:
Well, none in the last week! I still feel bloated from the fertility treatments so I may be up a couple of pounds from the good old days!

LOTS! Nausea in the morning and complete lack of appetite. Then at like noon, my appetite returns with a vengeance and I could eat anything in sight! but if I eat greasy food (which sounds oh so delicious) I can count on heartburn my nighttime. Leg cramps at night. Occasional shooting pains in my side- dr said it's due to my giant grapefruit sized ovaries! My boobs are super sore and my nipples look funny. Loving all the symptoms!

Hamburgers- greasy cheesy hamburgers. I'm disgusting, I know.

Maternity Clothes:
Not wearing any but I did buy three tops today with my GAP employees discount just for fun!

Stretch Marks:
Oh that's a scary thing to think about.

I am exhausted in the evenings and fall straight asleep but I wake up at some point during the night in sweats and lay wide awake for hours until I wear myself back out and sleep for a couple of more hours.

Best Moment of the Week:
Seeing our TWO babies at the ultrasound! Hands down best moment!

Looking forward to that one day!

I am thinking one boy and one girl- stats are on my side with that prediction!

What I miss:
Well nothing since I love being pregnant but a little bit I do miss being allowed to have sex since we're on probation until informed otherwise.

What I'm looking forward to:
Seeing heartbeatS sometime in the next week+

First Ultrasound, Finding out it's TWINS

I was so nervous before the ultrasound and now I feel so overjoyed and still it feels a bit surreal. Like I can't believe any of these wonderful things are actually happening!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's TWINS!!!!

Just a short update for now but after worrying myself sick for the past three days, we went for our ultrasound. My mom and hubby came along so it was intense! She found one baby right away- yolk sac included. It was awesome- really clear! Then she moved the wand and there was another one!!! Almost the exact same size, also with a yolk thing! Then we got the picture of them next to each other- it was SO cool!!! I'll post the pic next week- didn't bring a USB to get the electronic copy. We are OVERJOYED!!! Oh and my hcg today was over 5000-amazing!! Best day ever! I'm so in love with my babies!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ultrasound and Beat anxiety

So I was determined not to panic the whole first trimester and that I was going to be positive and enjoy this pregnancy. And I lasted like 9 days! Then I had Beta 3 four days after beta 2. My number was 881 and the nurse who called me confidently said that my numbers were good and everything looked great and they'd see me for my ultrasound we had already scheduled for thursday. But then I got home and started calculating and looking at tables and charts and decided given I was at 375 at 15dpo, it should have been over 1000 not 881. So I panicked, worried I was miscarrying and finally called the dr office back in a tizzy.

I finally heard back like 5 hours later and the nurse again did not seem concerned but did humor me and got out a calculator and said if they had gone up 60% every 48 hours, I should have been a bit over 900. So it was a small amount under expected levels but nothing to be worried about. Number change all the time and it will probably surge again and be a lot higher in a few days. Happens all the time. Also she said it was possible I had a twin pregnancy and lost one of the two or one is going much slower than the other and that could explain it. Either way my levels are still high for 19dpo and did still go up a lot so apparently there is no reason to worry. I offered to come back in but they said not necessary, just come thursday, no reason to worry.

So I know given the dr told me not to worry, I shouldn't but of course I am worried. And I still have about 36 hours until the ultrasound- omg, it's killing me. And i'm worried about every symptom even though I don't doubt they are just pregnancy symptoms. Like why does my back hurt a bit- probably because of hormones or reaching up and stacking clothes at work all day. No bleeding and no cramping so no real reason to worry...

Anyway, must not go crazy and worry myself sick... easier said than done, of course! Anyway, if you're reading, please pray for a beautiful sac on Thursday morning!