How Far Along?
6 weeks 2 days
Baby's Size:
apparently the babies are the size of a blueberry but it also says .25in so I'm thinking a pretty small blueberry!
Weight Gain:
up .2lb since I found out so no real weight gain yet which is good
ugh, SO much nausea but no vomiting. I feel better in the afternoon but mornings and evenings are rough. No appetite. I feel hot a lot and have leg cramps. But my face is super clear and I'm not throwing up so it could definitely be worse! Plus, I love having some symptoms because it feels more real. Especially how much sicker I've felt this last week, great sign!
Nothing sounds good to me at all. But I'm enjoying this yummy Greek yogurt my mother in law bought.
Maternity Clothes:
Stretch Marks:
I am really tired and fall right asleep at like 10pm (despite sleeping in until 8am). I usually wake up once during the night burning up and feeling awful but I do get back to sleep.
Best Moment of the Week:
Seeing two heartbeats fluttering away at the ultrasound! Also, hubby and his mom have cleaned out and painted our nursery yellow which is wonderful.
This week I'm think it's two girls. No real good reason though so who knows!
What I miss:
My appetite!
What I'm looking forward to:
Getting to 12 weeks will be so wonderful. Still a while away but with having seen the heartbeats, I guess it's the next big thing.
Two heartbeats!
Being sick and tired isn't fun but I'm really happy and it's starting to feel more real (partly due to the sickness no doubt!) It still feels like it's such wonderful news I must be dreaming!
So excited for you - looking good!