Tuesday, June 8, 2010

my woman's intuition is not good!

So, I'm not feeling pregnant at all. I don't really know what feeling pregnant is but I know I feel just like I did this time last month. So, I've gotten pretty discouraged. I know it's early- it's only one week past my first IUI so maybe it's too soon to know. I don't know. I just don't have a good feeling, a good 'intuition' about it. Last month I did have a good feeling (although not that it ended up helping!) but I've struggled to have any hope in this try the whole time. I had this rush of hope/optimism a week ago around the IUIs but now I can just feel the BFNs coming- yuck. Which means IVF which means I'm pretty depressed about it all. I haven't totally given up of course- I just don't get a good vibe!


  1. Hoping your intuition is way off! Hang in there! Are you going to test early?

  2. It's way too soon - I know plenty of people that were convinced they weren't pregnant, and it ended up working. So try to hope - at least a little!!!

  3. I have also heard of people who were sure it didn't work, to be surprised by a +!! Hang in there!
