Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2 Beautiful Beating Hearts!

We had an ultrasound yesterday at 5w6d and I had prepared myself not to see a heartbeat yet since it was early. But, we saw the most wonderful sight- two beautiful fluttering tiny hearts! One was too hard to measure and the other measured tentatively at 119. We'll get slightly better measurements next week.

I'm so overjoyed- seeing both of their heartbeats made it seem much more real. The babies are measuring 1 day apart which is normal apparently and I don't need to come back for a whole week- hooray.

It still feels surreal that I am pregnant- much less that I am pregnant with twins! Mind you the non-stop nausea does provide a nice reminder! It's all so exciting.


  1. Beautiful and congrats. It must be so amazing and I would love to be able to experience what you get to! Best wishes

  2. So beautiful! Congratulations.
