Thursday, July 29, 2010

10 Weeks!

I have been a terrible blogger recently. I can't really blame being busy or anything. It's partly just that this pregnancy has been delightfully smooth so far and so I don't have a lot of venting I need to do. This blog started because I was so frustrated with infertility and felt like I couldn't talk to anyone. I needed an outlet for all my pain and frustration. Now, I am not frustrated and can talk to pretty much anyone about my pregnancy so I just haven't had the need. BUT, I do want to make more of an effort to document this pregnancy and put down all my milestones on paper. So I am going to try to get back to my weekly surveys- with or without pictures. With strange work shifts etc, I've struggled to routinely take my picture every week so I will put it up when I do.

How Far Along?
10 weeks 1 day

Baby's Size?
Well my What to Expect App told me prune but I read strawberry somewhere else which is so much cuter. Apparently since I am now '11 weeks' the babies are on the way to be the size of a lime!

Weight Gain?
As of a week ago, 3 lbs but I'm sure I've gained another lb or two this week. I'm really starting to show- well, I don't think an outsider would think I was pregnant- just getting fat!

All of them. So ready for the 2nd trimester to hopefully bring some relief. Taking Zofran every day to try and keep the nausea at bay. Terrible heartburn at nights. Other random things- leg cramps, fatigue etc but the nausea and heartburn are the worst.

I rarely feel hungry for anything but I do eat still. Eating bread tends to make me feel better. Apparently it soaks up stomach acid or something like that. Also loving lemonade.

Maternity Clothes?
Most of my pre-pregnancy pants no longer button or they do but feel uncomfortably tight. So I either wear a couple of one size bigger jeans or maternity jeans. Still wearing normal tops. I'm working at GAP for another couple of weeks so I've already stocked up on my maternity wardrobe while I have my discount!

Stretch Marks?
No and I have the cocoa butter stuff I'm going to start spreading on myself to prevent it.

Pretty good at the moment.

I can't feel it and won't for many more weeks. But we can see them moving during the ultrasounds. Baby A is super active and wiggles around lots!

Best Moment of the Week?
Seeing the babies yesterday. Baby A had hiccups- so cute!!!

I am convinced there is one girl but I don't know if it's one of each or two girls!

What I miss?
Not feeling nausceous. Also our RE has us on sex probation until 12 weeks which is a bit ridiculous but I couldn't live with myself if we did and something happened so we're waiting and that is definitely very old!

What I'm looking forward to?
Hitting 12 weeks. I'm not particularly nervous about things- seeing the babies every week really helps! Still it'll be great to hit that milestone. Also hoping to start feeling better then!

Graduated from the RE (an important milestone but kinda sad- I really like them!)
No more progesterone suppositories- hooray!

I tear up at every touching moment on TV shows. I sometimes feel nervous- less about the pregnancy and more like 'omg, we're going to have TWO infants in our house in 6 months'. But the overwhelming emotion I feel is happiness and joy and intense LOVE for my two amazing babies.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

8 weeks!

I haven't posted in forever because I have been sick and also busy with my mother in law being in town and then a work conference. But things are progressing very well- the babies are growing nicely and seeing them once a week is such a joy! We only have two more scans with the fertility dr which is kinda exciting and kinda sad at the same time (i love my weekly viewings of my babies!)
Anyway, I feel like crap pretty much all the time but I won't complain because I just feel very pregnant and that's a wonderful thing. Less than 4 weeks now until I get to 12 weeks which is very exciting!

Friday, July 2, 2010

6 Weeks!!!

I think the angle on this photo is a bit funny and there's a bad shadow on it but there's no real change from last week anyway.

How Far Along?
6 weeks 2 days

Baby's Size:
apparently the babies are the size of a blueberry but it also says .25in so I'm thinking a pretty small blueberry!

Weight Gain:
up .2lb since I found out so no real weight gain yet which is good

ugh, SO much nausea but no vomiting. I feel better in the afternoon but mornings and evenings are rough. No appetite. I feel hot a lot and have leg cramps. But my face is super clear and I'm not throwing up so it could definitely be worse! Plus, I love having some symptoms because it feels more real. Especially how much sicker I've felt this last week, great sign!

Nothing sounds good to me at all. But I'm enjoying this yummy Greek yogurt my mother in law bought.

Maternity Clothes:

Stretch Marks:

I am really tired and fall right asleep at like 10pm (despite sleeping in until 8am). I usually wake up once during the night burning up and feeling awful but I do get back to sleep.

Best Moment of the Week:
Seeing two heartbeats fluttering away at the ultrasound! Also, hubby and his mom have cleaned out and painted our nursery yellow which is wonderful.


This week I'm think it's two girls. No real good reason though so who knows!

What I miss:
My appetite!

What I'm looking forward to:
Getting to 12 weeks will be so wonderful. Still a while away but with having seen the heartbeats, I guess it's the next big thing.

Two heartbeats!

Being sick and tired isn't fun but I'm really happy and it's starting to feel more real (partly due to the sickness no doubt!) It still feels like it's such wonderful news I must be dreaming!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2 Beautiful Beating Hearts!

We had an ultrasound yesterday at 5w6d and I had prepared myself not to see a heartbeat yet since it was early. But, we saw the most wonderful sight- two beautiful fluttering tiny hearts! One was too hard to measure and the other measured tentatively at 119. We'll get slightly better measurements next week.

I'm so overjoyed- seeing both of their heartbeats made it seem much more real. The babies are measuring 1 day apart which is normal apparently and I don't need to come back for a whole week- hooray.

It still feels surreal that I am pregnant- much less that I am pregnant with twins! Mind you the non-stop nausea does provide a nice reminder! It's all so exciting.

Friday, June 25, 2010

5 Weeks Picture and Survey

How Far Along?
5 weeks and 2 days!

Baby's Size:
As I'm in my 6th week, What To Expect tells me my babies are the size of sweet peas!

Weight Gain:
Well, none in the last week! I still feel bloated from the fertility treatments so I may be up a couple of pounds from the good old days!

LOTS! Nausea in the morning and complete lack of appetite. Then at like noon, my appetite returns with a vengeance and I could eat anything in sight! but if I eat greasy food (which sounds oh so delicious) I can count on heartburn my nighttime. Leg cramps at night. Occasional shooting pains in my side- dr said it's due to my giant grapefruit sized ovaries! My boobs are super sore and my nipples look funny. Loving all the symptoms!

Hamburgers- greasy cheesy hamburgers. I'm disgusting, I know.

Maternity Clothes:
Not wearing any but I did buy three tops today with my GAP employees discount just for fun!

Stretch Marks:
Oh that's a scary thing to think about.

I am exhausted in the evenings and fall straight asleep but I wake up at some point during the night in sweats and lay wide awake for hours until I wear myself back out and sleep for a couple of more hours.

Best Moment of the Week:
Seeing our TWO babies at the ultrasound! Hands down best moment!

Looking forward to that one day!

I am thinking one boy and one girl- stats are on my side with that prediction!

What I miss:
Well nothing since I love being pregnant but a little bit I do miss being allowed to have sex since we're on probation until informed otherwise.

What I'm looking forward to:
Seeing heartbeatS sometime in the next week+

First Ultrasound, Finding out it's TWINS

I was so nervous before the ultrasound and now I feel so overjoyed and still it feels a bit surreal. Like I can't believe any of these wonderful things are actually happening!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's TWINS!!!!

Just a short update for now but after worrying myself sick for the past three days, we went for our ultrasound. My mom and hubby came along so it was intense! She found one baby right away- yolk sac included. It was awesome- really clear! Then she moved the wand and there was another one!!! Almost the exact same size, also with a yolk thing! Then we got the picture of them next to each other- it was SO cool!!! I'll post the pic next week- didn't bring a USB to get the electronic copy. We are OVERJOYED!!! Oh and my hcg today was over 5000-amazing!! Best day ever! I'm so in love with my babies!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ultrasound and Beat anxiety

So I was determined not to panic the whole first trimester and that I was going to be positive and enjoy this pregnancy. And I lasted like 9 days! Then I had Beta 3 four days after beta 2. My number was 881 and the nurse who called me confidently said that my numbers were good and everything looked great and they'd see me for my ultrasound we had already scheduled for thursday. But then I got home and started calculating and looking at tables and charts and decided given I was at 375 at 15dpo, it should have been over 1000 not 881. So I panicked, worried I was miscarrying and finally called the dr office back in a tizzy.

I finally heard back like 5 hours later and the nurse again did not seem concerned but did humor me and got out a calculator and said if they had gone up 60% every 48 hours, I should have been a bit over 900. So it was a small amount under expected levels but nothing to be worried about. Number change all the time and it will probably surge again and be a lot higher in a few days. Happens all the time. Also she said it was possible I had a twin pregnancy and lost one of the two or one is going much slower than the other and that could explain it. Either way my levels are still high for 19dpo and did still go up a lot so apparently there is no reason to worry. I offered to come back in but they said not necessary, just come thursday, no reason to worry.

So I know given the dr told me not to worry, I shouldn't but of course I am worried. And I still have about 36 hours until the ultrasound- omg, it's killing me. And i'm worried about every symptom even though I don't doubt they are just pregnancy symptoms. Like why does my back hurt a bit- probably because of hormones or reaching up and stacking clothes at work all day. No bleeding and no cramping so no real reason to worry...

Anyway, must not go crazy and worry myself sick... easier said than done, of course! Anyway, if you're reading, please pray for a beautiful sac on Thursday morning!

Friday, June 18, 2010

4 Weeks Pictures

I guess this is really my 'before' picture although I already feel really bloated and pooched out from the fertility meds and progesterone.

I'll do the weekly surveys starting next week but for this week, it's just all about the BFP and doubling betas!!!

15 DPO beta = 375!

Hooray for a more than doubling beta!!!
It's funny because I'm really not anxious at this point- I know in my head that a lot of things could still go wrong but i feel really good about this pregnancy. But those few hours between having blood taken and getting the phone call are no good for me. I start worrying more and more 'what if it's not doubling?' 'what if it's going down?' etc. So it was wonderful news! Plus, it keeps the twins dream alive a bit longer- definitely a high enough number to be 2! We will have our first ultrasound end of next week so it will be great to know the number. I'll be so excited and kinda relieved about one but as long as I think it could be twins, I seem to picture 2. So knowing for sure will be awesome. I say it's about 50/50 that it's one or two. Mind you, since I had 4 eggs, it could always be 3 but I'm not even going there because that's just scary!

No more bloodwork until Monday so three days to soak up being pregnant without thinking about what my numbers would/should be!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Picture of my BFP!!

Not a glamorous picture of me at all- had no makeup on but I had to take a picture when I found out for my pregnancy scrapbook I'm going to keep!

Beta 1 at 13dpo = 141!!!

I ended up having my first beta at dpo 13 since I had an early HPT positive and since tomorrow is my birthday and I didn't want to worry about it. The nurse just called and said my beta is 141 which we are thrilled with. It is a nice high number which along with just being generally reassuring means there is a good chance now its twins!! Of course we won't know for a while and high betas certainly don't always mean twins but I read the average for a singleton at 13dpo is 62 and the average for twins at 13dpo is 123 so it is certainly possible. We'll be over the moon with one trust me and there are certainly advantages but twins is such a wonderful concept to us so we'll enjoy the fantasy for a couple more weeks until the ultrasound! Beta number 2 on Thursday so we're praying for some doubling!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ok so I tested early and...


So extremely excited! Like crazy so happy relieved excited.
We just told my parents- they have been very involved in this whole process so it was a great joy to share the good news with them.

The background story- I felt really pms-y and backachy and nausceous (which I get with pms) starting Friday night. I had tested Thursday morning at 8dpiui just to make sure the trigger was out and it was. I didn't test Friday or Saturday and was feeling progressively more yuck. In hindsight, it was not the same as pms but that was what it felt most like. Anyway, by Saturday night I was crying to hubby that I was sure it'd be negative because i felt like my period was already on its way. He said no he was sure I was pregnant because I'd been so irritable and emotional! I declared "I know my own body and I'm not pregnant!"

Then just to show him I was right, I went and tested. It was like 9pm, I'd peed like an hour before and for like a minute all I could see was the one pink line so i was sure it was negative. Then, a faint line started to appear!!! I start shouting, omg there's a faint line!!! Within a couple more minutes, it was light but clear. Still, to be sure I then whipped out a digital test and the little clock symbol was there for what felt like forever. I'd read if pregnant it will often show up right away so I thought it'd be negative and then I'd have to decide whether I believe the pink line or the words.

BUT- the best word I'd ever read popped up "pregnant". It was the most amazing moment when I saw it appear. Hubby and I jumped up and down and squeeled in excitement- it was seriously one of the most joyous moments in my life.

We celebrated this morning with brunch at Cheesecake Factory and then told my parents and a couple of friends who knew what we have been going through. We know that it's early but most pregnant people find out from an HPT and get excited so we will too! Oh and I tested again the morning and the line was darker!

Beta is Wednesday but I'm not nervous anymore because I'm Pregnant!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

To test or Not to test...

Last time in our naively excited state of thinking we did an IUI, surely we'll be pregnant, hubby insisted that I not POAS until the beta so we could have that wonderful big moment. Of course, we didn't last quite that long when I started spotting and cramping 2 days before so we got our BFN early. I hated not testing those last couple of days- knowing i could know and be out of my waiting misery if I just hurried up and tested! So this time hubby agreed no big waiting until the day (especially since my beta is on my birthday and a unprepared for BFN would be a surefire way to ruin it!) So, I stocked up on tests and thought this time I'm going test crazy!!!

So just for fun I tested at 2 dpiui just to see if that second pink line is real and of course the trigger meant that I saw what a positive would look like. Then I tested today- 8 dpiui to make sure the trigger was gone and it was. But even though I knew it was too early to expect a bfp, the bfn still kinda stung.

So now I'm like should I test every day so I can either a) get the good news sooner or b) ease myself into the bad news. Like if I get a negative early on I'll lose a little hope day by day so that it's not all coming crashing down on one day. Or should I wait until like 12dpiui at least so that a) i'm spared being depressed early false bfns if I am pregnant or b) get to spend three more days enjoying being 'pupo' before facing the whole 'omg, i have to do ivf' collapse.

I'm leaning towards option b but who knows if I'll make it. I'm past my bad intuition phase and accepted that at this stage, who knows? I don't think I'd feel significantly different right now either way with the progesterone and all. So who knows? Waiting is insane- i hate it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

my woman's intuition is not good!

So, I'm not feeling pregnant at all. I don't really know what feeling pregnant is but I know I feel just like I did this time last month. So, I've gotten pretty discouraged. I know it's early- it's only one week past my first IUI so maybe it's too soon to know. I don't know. I just don't have a good feeling, a good 'intuition' about it. Last month I did have a good feeling (although not that it ended up helping!) but I've struggled to have any hope in this try the whole time. I had this rush of hope/optimism a week ago around the IUIs but now I can just feel the BFNs coming- yuck. Which means IVF which means I'm pretty depressed about it all. I haven't totally given up of course- I just don't get a good vibe!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

10 things that make me smile!

My mom challenged me this week to make a list of 10 things that make me smile. I think I was giving off a serious feeling sorry for myself vibe. I was feeling too sorry for myself that night to do but I think now I'm good to be positive! So, in no particular order... 10 things that make me smile:
1) My wonderful husband- his cuddles and his silly jokes. He makes me laugh so many times a day. He is so positive and so unique and so perfect for me.
2) Mexican food. In particular, the creamy jalapeno dip at Chuy's, our favorite restaurant. Seriously, it's awesome. I'm going to limit myself to only one of ten about food so I don't seem like a glutton but I could seriously list like 15 foods that make me smile. But that'd be sad so I'll just have one.
3) My puppy. She's so funny and so cute. Today she was playing this game where she tried to sneak up on her zebra stuffed toy- hysterical.
4) My family- my parents are wonderful and so supportive and so much fun. Like I said, not in order. I do love my parents more than creamy jalapeno dip, I promise. But really they are the best parents ever. I'm very lucky.
5) Friends. I don't mean the people I hang out with- I mean Joey, Chandler, Ross, Monica, Rachel and Phoebe. Seriously there is not a tough time in my life they haven't gotten me through.
6) Teaching- well, sometimes. I had this one awesome class this year. This kid in it Harley made me laugh every day. Every day he'd say 'this is ridonculous' about something. (that wasn't a typo- he doesn't say ridiculous- he says 'ridonculous') Goofy 14 year olds make me smile!
7) My brother. He's hysterical, in this dry sense of humor sort of way. When he comes home, he makes fun of all the quirky things my parents do. it's awesome. except he's less funny now when he brings his girlfriend home but then he's super happy and sweet and that makes me smile too.
8) Bethel- so my parents are building a mansion and it's pretty awesome. I smile thinking about hanging out there. Ok, it's a bit materialistic to be happy about the mansion but I see our future there. Babies messing up the house and driving my dad crazy. So it's not just the opulent mansion but the promise of what will be there.
9) My principal at my school. I think I have a girl crush on her. She's awesome. Feeling pathetically sad about not seeing her for 2 months. And not just her- all my colleagues are awesome. They are really really funny and they make my job really funny.
10) Wedding pictures. Our wedding was perfect and looking at the pictures remind me of how wonderful it was and how happy I am that I married Al. Plus, I was really hot on my wedding day and that makes me smile too!

OMG- a whole post that didn't mention my ovaries or uterus or my crazy overanalysing my body- can you believe it? Oops, that kinda ruined it. Better go before I start complaining about how the two week wait feels like 15 years...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Stomach Pains, Last day of School, Overly Optimistic Hubby!

Lots happening here... today is the last day of school for teachers so wrapping the year up. I'm excited to sleep in and get a break from 14 year olds, although slightly dreading the extra time on my hands over the next couple of weeks particularly. I have 4 shifts next week at GAP so that should keep me out of too much obsessive Googling.

Speaking of obsessive googling, I'm having abdominal discomfort. It's hard to describe- kind of like mild period pains except more just discomfort- especially when I walk. And when I push on my tummy it hurts. I feel really swollen and yuck. I hurt a bit after my first IUI last time but by the end of the day after my second one, i was totally fine. Today is 2 days after my second IUI and it is worse today than yesterday. I don't want to be one of those panicky losers who calls the dr all the time (I went in at 7dpiui last time for a different sort of stomach pain) so I think I'll just grin and bear it. It's too early for it to be a good or bad sign. And besides, given I wasn't pregnant last month, anything feeling different to last month can only be a good sign.

In other news, Hubby is convinced I'm pregnant- with multiples! Haha! Last time I was super optimistic and he kept saying 'it's only 30% chance, don't get your hopes up too high' and this time, I'm very resigned to it not working and having to do IVF. And suddenly Al is mr optimistic this time- go figure! It's cute because he's taking super good care of me so I think I'll just milk it for all its worth.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My IUIs are done! Yesterday was easy breezy, today I cramped quite a bit more and feel crampy now. The nurse said that is common and due to being in the midst of ovulation now. So, ok as long as it's not a problem, I can handle some cramping. Our counts were great- 31 million and 44 million. So 4 mature follicles plus 70million sperm surely ought to one baby make!!!

Now it's time to try and forget about it- haha, much easier said than done. But I can't obsess over it this time like I did last time because it just makes it so awful if I'm not. So I'm trying to keep my hope and optimism under wraps and just know that if we are not pregnant, it will be ok and prepare myself emotionally. At the same time, I know babies and BFPs and all the like are dancing in my head constantly. So here's praying for a fast 2 weeks I guess. Although if I'm not it'll be 6 weeks before I'm PUPO again so I suppose I should enjoy it!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

One more night before trigger

Tonight will be my last night of meds before I trigger tomorrow night for my back to back IUIs. I had my monitoring appointment today which was very exciting because I had a 18mm, 17mm, 16mm, 14mm and 12mm. Based on their patterns so far, it looks like they will grow at least 2 and maybe 3 mm before I trigger tomorrow night since I took more shots tonight. That means I'd have a 20mm, 19mm, 18mm, 16mm and 12mm. Which with my good estrogen levels should mean... 4 MATURE FOLLICLES!!!

I'm so excited since that was my goal for this cycle and I've worried a lot it wouldn't happen. Plus, thanks to the Ganirelix, I won't be surging early this time so my IUIs should be timed perfectly. So, all in all, I think it's justified to get a bit excited and optimistic again!

In other news, we had a big talk with my parents today and we are all happy and in agreement that if this IUI doesn't work, we will start birth control to get ready for a July IVF. It's a pretty big decision, financially and emotionally. We've all prayed about it and all agreed it was the right course of action. We are paying part of it and my parents are helping paying part of it and I think everyone was happy with what we worked out. Of course we hope it won't come to that but I needed to know what we would do next. For now, we will only do one IVF and any FETS available. Financially, a second IVF wouldn't be an option at this point and that's ok. Worst case scenario, we can always wait a year and save back up if need be...

So, we are feeling hopeful for this cycle and at peace for where we will go if this cycle doesn't work and for today, that's all I can ask for.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cheered up by the dildo cam

Ok, I have to admit- I kinda love transvaginal ultrasounds. not in a creepy wand inserted up me by my strangely attractive female nurse way... but I love updates, I love seeing that the meds are doing something, I love hope and optimism and all the good stuff the first ultrasound on meds brings.

Today after 3 nights of shots I had my first ultrasound and everything looks great. 1 12mm and 3 10mm follicles- 2 on both sides. With them being so close in size and with my being on ganrilex to prevent surging on my own, it's looking great for 4 mature follicles this month! Which was my goal. Honestly, at the point, I wouldn't care if there were 8 mature follicles but the dr really didn't want more than 4 because even though I didn't get pregnant at all with 2, there is apparently still a risk of high order multiples (which in my head- no babies with 2 means 4 babies with 4 seems impossible) but anyway, 4 is a great number. Twice as many as last time but without lots of risk either.

I do worry a lot still- after all I did have 5 follicles growing this time last cycle but only 2 bigger ones and three smaller ones. So 4 around the same is better. And the ganrilex will make the big difference because I could have had four last time if I hadn't started surging first. And I'm also worried that the nurse seems to think it'll be ok to not see me over the three day weekend. I think I'm going to have to fuss about that when i go in Friday again.

But all things considered, I feel better today. I started to get excited for this chance. Which is dangerous I know but what else can you do. If I assume it won't work I'm depressed and pretty sad all month. Maybe I'd rather be happy for the next three weeks, even at the price of a likely complete breakdown again. So against all logic and reason, the hope is coming back... creeping back in. And I think I might just let it. Because this last week without hope has just sucked the life out of me. So I hope this cycle works- it could and I still believe in miracles. So I'll pray and hope.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Struggling to find my hope again

Well, I had my first shot again last night so we're off and running again. As relieved as I was on Thursday to find out I would be able to start again, it has still been very difficult. I was so emotional yesterday and I think it was partly starting a procedure that didn't work the first time and going through it all over again but without that initial optimism and with full knowledge of how yuck all the hormones make me feel. I'm hoping that by the end of the week, after a couple of ultrasounds, I'll be feeling hopeful and excited again. but i guess you just can't force it.

I had an interesting weekend. I had about 4 hours of training at Gap Baby which was ok. I mean, the maternity section made me feel sad and the cute baby clothes filled me longing but it didn't send me into fits of tears or anything dramatic. So I hope the business of it will outweigh the inevitable being surrounded by babies and make it an overall positive. Hoping to spend more time in the Kids section sicne 5-8 year olds don't affect me.

I got all emotional yesterday about the financial side of this all. My parents paid for our last IUIs and will these ones and I am so grateful and yet, it totallys sucks as well. I'm so happy they did this for us but it just makes me feel so guilty. Like I am this burden to them because I can't get pregnant on my own. And I had mentioned to my mom in my mourning stage last week that if this injectibles/IUI cycle doesn't work, I want to move on to IVF. Then she said yesterday we need to have a family meeting to discuss IVF since it's such a big step. And I felt really bad because I wasn't just assuming they'd fork over the 15thousand. I just was emotional and trying to think of something that made me feel better and 'at least there's still ivf' made me feel better. So we're going to think and pray a lot about our 'next step' and talk all together this weekend.

And again, so grateful. But also it's hard because I wish Al and I coul just decide the two of us how and when we'll have a baby. It sucks that my parents have to even be involved in this. It just all makes me frustrated and sad. I do think they will give us the money for IVF but I hate having to take it, I really do. But I can't give up and not try everything possible to get pregnant. So I don't know what we'll do. From a purely practical standpoint, I should start IVF next month. I'm on school holidays. Drs appointments are easy, wouldn't have to miss school, I could be on as much bed rest as I wanted, etc. I guess the issue is- should I do another IUI + injectibles cycle in hopes of avoiding IVF (but if we do have to do it, that's a waste of 4thousand dollars!) or should I take a month off before IVF to emotionally prepare for it and so I'm not planning on this failing during it. Which makes sense but would then mean being in the middle of my first IVF right at the beginning of a new school year. Yuck. So I really want this cycle to work but if it doesn't, I really would like to use this summer to do IVF. But we'll see what the dr and my parents think about that.

I'm feeling really frustrated with most of my friends which sucks. I am going through a big, no one understands how hard this is phase and pretty much everything anyone says upsets and enrages me and then people saying nothing offends me. I'm impossible, I know. Well, that's not entirely true. My brother sent the sweetest text basically saying "i'm sorry, hang in there"- simple and kind. My parents have been great and Al has been wonderful. But too many people knew I think. I had to tell 7 people at work because I missed so many classes for drs appts and then was out at the last minute for 2 days and had to get people to help subs. And so I told people I didn't want to talk about it and for a couple of days that went well. The worst was this one co-worker. She is my co-teacher in my class with special ed kids and she's really not my friend. I only told her because I had to mention being out for another dr appt and she asked 'so are you trying to get pregnant or do you have leukemia or something.' And although I definitely thought about lying and making up a disease, I opted for telling the truth. So I didn't even want her to know. Then on Wednesday (2 days after POAS BFN and the day of my negative beta), she says to me during my class, 'hey, I know what you should do. You should buy a 2 seater red convertible and just enjoy riding around with just you and your husband." Ok, I bit my tongue and managed to only say 'i don't want to talk about it right now'. but I felt like saying "actually I won't be buying a convertible because I have to spend all my money on fertility treatments and I can't go on random road trips because I will be at the dr's office every other day and don't make such insensitive comments because it hurts that it's only my husband and I and we will need a back seat one day you bitch so leave me alone!" Seriously. People need to think before they speak.

This afternoon is our WTF appointment so I better go make my list of Qs or I'll forget one. Maybe it'll make me feel better somehow...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Take 2

I haven't properly written about our BFN because for the last 48 hours, I've pretty much felt like I was in a haze and I was just trying to survive by being in denial. I mean, I didn't think I was pregnant- I just pretended I hadn't just gone through all this and focused on school big time. It worked because I survived and I'm starting to feel better.

Today was my dr's appt- the one I had been looking forward to until Tuesday and which then quickly became the day I was dreading. I was so emotional about the whole thing- going to the dr to be told you're not pregnant just seemed cruel. The nurse could find blood in one arm and jabbed a nerve and I nearly just lost it and sobbed. But then they said I could go ahead and do my baseline. No cysts so the good news is I'll get to start my injections again on Sunday and even though it's sad we have to go through it again, I am happier knowing I will be moving on from this disappointment and start hoping for the next cycle. Also, my dr is putting me on a new drug also. Don't remember the name but it will keep me from ovulating on my own. Last time I had to trigger because I was already surging but I only had two mature follicles. Not that that prevented it from working. But, I really want 4 follicles this time. So thanks to this drug, my body won't 'jump the gun' and we can give it time for 4 follicles to mature.

I'm just grateful we're doing something different. It gives me some hope that there is a reason why this could end up with a different result than last time. I mean, 4 eggs instead of 2 would be twice the chance or something. I also found out that my estrogen and fsh were nice and low which is good.

So, I'm starting to come back to life. I think planning for the next cycle has helped give me closure on this cycle.

In other news, I applied for a part time summer job (I'm a teacher) at gap and ended up getting a call from Gap Kids and I was so excited that I was pregnant that I thought it'd be perfect so I interviewed for it etc. Today I officially got offered the position and have 12 hours of training next week. It's crazy that I have to spend next week in a store with baby and maternity clothes. I know I could say I can't do the job anymore but I still think it'll be good for me. The 2ww is going to seem much longer when I'm not teaching so part time job wouldn't hurt. Plus, I'll get pregnant eventually and then 50% off maternity and baby clothes!!!

More later- funny story about a colleague's ridiculously insensitive comment. I actually need to write a whole post about the crazy insensitive crap fertile people say! I've just learned to laugh about it or I'd become a very bitter person!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hubby decided we should go ahead and test due to my distressed state. It was BFN. We're really disappointed. It was our first round of injectibles and IUI so we knew a first time BFP was unlikely but we still hoped and believed. I'm not shocked, though. After so many negative tests, it's what I've come to expect, honestly. Don't have it in me to write more now though.

AF seems to be packed and ready to arrive

Despite my optimistic post yesterday, things seemed to have taken a turn for the worst as today I woke up with all my PMS symptoms. Most notably the bad nausea (i get nausceous a couple of days before my period) and back pain and some minor cramping. No bleeding yet but it seems faily inevitable. I don't know if the bleeding will hold off until Thursday or not since I am on progesterone.

I am devastated. And I know so many people go through a negative treatment cycle and I know we were only ever given a 30% chance of success, but somehow it still comes as a horrible shock and pain. I think I'd thought I'd find out Thursday so i didn't expect to get my period or any symptoms before so it's just not something I prepared myself for.

Of course, part of me thinks it's not over til it's over but with so many PMS symptoms springing up on the day I should start my period, it's pretty hard to keep hoping now. I'm so sad.

Monday, May 17, 2010

longest 2 weeks ever...

So it's Monday and my beta is Thursday and I'm not testing until then. Trust me, it's no evidence of my own self control- Al really doesn't want to test early. He doesn't want to risk days of being sad but still hoping- he just wants to know the answer and go from there. So it's particularly hard now because I know I'm already either pregnant or not and that a test would probably tell me. But I wait.

I don't know how to know if I feel pregnant or not because I've never had an HSG trigger or been on progesterone suppositories so everything I feel is new. I've never had a BFP so I have no point of comparison for anything. But, for what it is worth, I feel pregnant. It could totally be the progesterone but I'd still rather feel pregnant that not you know?

I feel nausceous and it's been getting worse and I feel just pinchy and weird in my abdomen. Not sure cramping is the best word but something weird. I'm exhausted. The symptom I'm most definitely most being a loser about is my breasts (and when it involves touching my own breasts like 100 times a day, it definitely means I'm crazy) because I NEVER get sore breasts at all with my period or anything. I am small so I just thought maybe I wouldn't get that symptom. But, after my trigger I had sore nipples and breasts for like 2-3 days so I made a mental note that hcg in my system causes sore breasts. Then they got better and now they are sore again. But probably not as sore as they were those two days. And this morning they didn't feel as sore. Then again, the real soreness could be associated with the sudden hormone change of a trigger vs gradual hormones building up... So what does that mean???

See, crazy. I am totally insane. And really really nervous. A post treatment BFN would be new and horrible. How do I survive the next 3 days when I know Thursday will either be the best day ever or lead to a complete sobbing breakdown?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

So I'm going crazy!

Today marks my halfway point in the 2ww and today I was a total hypochondriac crazy lady and went to the dr after having cramps and pain. I have had mild discomfort since my trigger and it was getting a little better and then it got a little worse again yesterday. Then today I had really bad abdominal cramping. I felt pretty crap all day and then around noon, it got really intense and I was in like hurts to walk pain in my abdomen. So of course I freak out and call the RE and they tell me to come in since it could be OHSS.

By the time I get there, the pain is better although still present and so I have an ultrasound and my ovaries are a reasonable size (no OHSS), I have a little fluid around my ovaries and on one side my remaining follicles/corpeus letuem etc shows indications of bleeding which is apparently 'normal' and wouldn't hurt if I didn't have four on that side. Apparently it doens't affect chances of conception- phew! but will cause discomfort. As a positive, my lining was still nice and thick which was good to see!

So I think I've become that crazy person who thinks something is wrong with her and rushes off to the dr. But I was really nervous and I thought it was better to be safe than sorry.

Perhaps I just have a stomach bug (you know like normal people get and don't rush off and insist on an ultrasound because of) or perhaps it's somehow related to implantation (i'm 7 and 8 days past iui)- who knows? Either way, I kinda feel like an idiot!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dear Baby 1

Hi sweet baby,

You are only a few cells big, just making your big trip down the Fallopian tubes. Today is 5 days past IUI so I think you could start implanting in the next couple of days. I know this new home might look scary but know that we're doing everything we can to make your home safe and comfortable. I've been told my lining is nice and thick for you so snuggle in precious baby. Oh and if you see a brother or sister on the way, grab ahold and bring them along- we'd love it! But don't worry I totally understand if you don't want to share your birthday and all the first baby glory!

I love you so much already. You're pretty much all I think about. I have to make a real effort to think about something else! I love you so much it hurts and I am so ready to hold you and meet you. I'm really praying this is the month that you start growing inside of me. I know kids don't always do things on the timeline their parents want so if you're not ready yet, I won't give up on you. But please be ready because I'm already so in love with you and as crazy as it might sound, I miss you so much. I missed you yesterday on Mother's Day- I wished I could reach down to my belly and know you were already on your way.

You are going to have a life filled with so much love. In some ways, I'm trying to enjoy all the things in life that I know will be different when you are here. Like keeping the house messy or going out to eat on a whim or sleeping in on weekends. But know I'd trade it all in a heartbeat and never look back when you're ready to come live in me.

Your daddy loves you so much too. He's so ready to love on you. You should see how much he loves Lucy, your fur sister. It's crazy how much you are going to have him wrapped around your little finger. He's going to be the best dad. He's so relaxed and never gets annoyed so you can cry and give it your best and he'll keep his cool. He's really trying to get a full time job so we can buy you lots of toys and clothes but if he doesn't, he'll get to stay home with you while I go back to work and I'll be crazy jealous. but you two will have the best time. You are so lucky. There are lots of babies concieved whose daddies don't want them and you have a daddy who is counting down the days until we get to see you.

Oh and then there is your Nana and Gramps. They are just made to be grandparents and they are going to spoil you rotten. You will adore them, they are the best. Nana will make sure you wear the cutest clothes and have the best of everything. And Gramps will teach you to play cards and golf, but he won't let you win so be prepared for that. He's been the best dad in the world and you are so lucky that he will be your grandpa. Plus, he's building the most amazing house and every time I am there, I can hear your little pitter patters running down the halls. You have two other wonderful grandparents who live far away but will love you and coo over you over Skype!

Oh sweet baby, please hang on for dear life. I know God has amazing plans for you and he's going to take care of you. So grow on and grab on and I can't wait to really get excited for you next week when I know this is real. And I can't wait to love you until the day I die.

I love you with all my heart, darling babe.
Love Mommy

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Like being single on Valentine's Day!

I was determined that I wasn't going to be sad on Mother's Day. After all, at 3 days past my 2nd IUI, I might very well be a mother myself today. And I wanted to focus on celebrating my own wonderful mother. Dh and I had a delightful week together, even with all the fertility craziness, so I was feeling happy. Needless to say, I didn't see the breakdown coming!

We woke up and enthusiastically head off for church. Well, enthusiastically is a bit of an overstatment as I would have liked to stay home but we skipped last week and are going out of town next weekend (trying to break up the dreaded 2ww) so I really needed a church fix.

Anyway, so we get there and during the first song 'because of jesus, i'm alive', parents start walking out with infants. And I get a little lump in my throat but I'm like ok. Well, it just keeps coming. By the end of the song, there are 85 infants and 190 smug parents on the stage. I'm starting to get really emotional. Al leans over and is like 'did everyone but us get pregnant in the last year?' and he was laughing like 'seriously- more cute babies!' meanwhile, I'm tearing up because the sight of all those beautiful babies and wanting one so badly and not knowing when I will have one was getting too much. And just witnessing the intense fertility of the normal population- agh, too much.

Then the pastor says if you are a mother, stand up. And seriously, I'm like the only woman who isn't 14 standing up. So I lose it then and start crying. Why do I have to clap for these women like I am less of a woman because I haven't been able to get pregnant? The pastor starts going on and on about how the sign of a healthy church is lots of babies. Which I don't even understand but all my head could hear was healthy = babies.

But I'm determined to stick it out, figuring he'll pray over all the babies and they will go away and it'll be back to a normal service. But no, he then starts to go through the families one by one and introduce the parents and baby, talk about sibling and make comments about how cute the babies are. By this point, my subtle tears are on the verge of full heaving sobs so wonderful husband suggests we head out and get a coffee or something and come back before the sermon. I was happy to get out before I made a fool of myself and once we were happily driving through Starbucks I decided we couldn't go back. So we went home and picked up our gorgeous puppy and headed over to my parents house for brunch and visiting with my mom.

In the end, it was a fine day. I enjoyed my parents and was happy to honor my mom. But all those babies, it was just more than I could deal with. I think I just have to accept that as determined as I am to be strong and optimistic, there are moments when my emotions will get the best of me and that's ok.

Anyway, that was my day. I'm determined I'll be a mother by next mother's day (or at least pregnant, surely) so hopefully I won't have to go through this again. And now that we're through it, I must admit it's almost comical. Like really- 85 babies! Are you kidding me???

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

IUI 1 done!!!

So I may be officially pregnant now!!! We just had our first IUI and after worrying about it for 24 hours, it looked like everything went perfectly.

My first panic was that I was already surging that morning of my shot but the dr assured me that since it was the same day as the shot, it was not a problem at all. In fact, the timing for this morning's IUI would have been perfect and likely tomorrow's will also be still in time to catch the eggs.

My second panic was that they told us to have intercourse last night since dh has good counts so that we leave get some sperm there before ovulation as well. Then this morning when dh collected his sample (to me stripping for him, lol), it was like the saddest small sample ever. So I was really panicking. I was convinced there couldn't be any sperm in that. But his sample had 25.5 million grade A swimmers which they said was plenty for an IUI so that was a huge relief! Oh and i was also panicking because it took us over an hour to get there so I was worried the sperm that were there were dying!

Oh the joys of fertility treatments. Anyway, they said that the 3rd eggie probably made it due to my high estrogen levels yesterday so 3 mature eggs and 25.5 million sperms all carefully placed next to one another... Fertilize baby Fertilize!!!

Off to get a massage so I can relax and then I have IUI number 2 tomorrow. Fun times!!! But after worrying for a couple of days, I'm now to my new stage of believing I am pregnant!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Surging before an ovidrel shot? Ok?

So I went back to the dr today and saw that I had 2 17 follies ready to go, a 14 borderline follie and two 13 follies. If I went one more day, I could easily end up with 5 so the dr thought it best to go ahead for tomorrow.
Which ended up being irrelevant because my bloodwork showed I was surging already. So my body is trying to ovulate already on its own. Which is not a disaster but just means my IUIs might be a bit later than ideal. As a result they told us to have intercourse tonight to cover this time as well.
I'm really very nervous about the whole thing but I figure at 930 today I hadn't ovulated and my IUI is 10am tomorrow so even if I have already ovulated, my eggs should make it 24 hours minimum so surely even if I ovulated as soon as I left the dr, tomorrow's IUI should still have a shot?
But it annoys me that we have to lower dh's sperm count for tomorrow by bding tonight when I don't have any faith we can get pregnant without an IUI. Anyway, I know I have to have trust in the drs and more importantly in God. I need to stop worrying about it and trust that tomorrow there will be 2 or 3 eggs right in time for the IUI and that we will get pregnant!
Please be praying for us. Does anyone know anything about surging before the ovidrel shot? We are still doing the shot, btw.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monitoring Appointment 2

Just got back from my second monitoring appointment and I'm a bit irrationally upset. On friday I had 5 follicles, 4 bigger and 1 smaller. Today I had 4 follicles, 2 bigger and 2 smaller. I had spent the weekend being really excited about 4 eggs. It just seemed so full of possibility- more likely to get pregnant, more likely to get twins, all very exciting. And now it looks like only 2 may make it for the big day. I am still really happy about those two and I know two is better than one but I really did want at least three. I mean, after all the money and pain that these shots are, I am only getting one extra egg out of the deal. Anyway, I'm praying one of the other two catch up. I go back on Wednesday and I may end up injecting the Ovidrel that day or I may go one more day. Hopefully I will get to go one more day since that will give the two lagging eggs a greater chance to catch up.

This whole process is such a roller coaster. Nothing is wrong and I have absolutely no good reason to be sad. But, rationally or not, I feel like if there are only 2 eggs that make it, my chances of getting pregnant cut in half and that's just not good in my eyes.

Anyway, hang in there darling follicles and try to catch up. I am rooting for you all to make it to the big day!

Friday, April 30, 2010

In love with 4 follies!

I had my first monitoring appointment this morning! I was so anxious and excited! I had an 815 appointment but got there at 8 so they brought me on in. I guess I was worried either the meds weren't working and there would just be one lone follie growing like normal or they'd be working too well and there would be 8-10 follies growing away.

But I don't have the blood results yet but... my left side has 4 follies- one around 11mm and three more between 8-9mm. I was getting a little nervous at this point with that many around the same size. Thankfully I suppose, right ovary is pretty lazy this month and only one follie around 6mm. The nurse thinks it's unlikely that little one will mature in time with the others so it's looking like I'll have four follies on my left side. Maybe only 3 in the end, depending how the next week goes. Originally, dh and I had thought we wouldn't go forward with 4 but the nurse advised we do. The risk of three or four is still very small with IUI rather than IVF and with me having me releasing one egg every month and not getting pregnant, the chances of every egg fertilizing seem small. So I think we will follow dr's orders and go through with 4 or less eggs! From what I've read, lots of people have IUIs with that many eggs and so it seems like a reasonble decision. Thankfully I called dh and he seemed happy with that from the short phone call so I think it's looking pretty likely we'll be having an IUI in about a week!

Needless to say, I'm thrilled to have made it to this point. When we first starting down this road, I had prepared myself to a) not be able to do shots this month due to hormone levels or b) have to cancel IUI due to medicine over-working or not working. So having prepared myself to not get to do this, I am stoked that we are actually doing it! I have such a great feeling about this!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Great baseline- ready to start the injections!

So the nurse called and said everything looked great which meant my estrogen is much lower. Still on the high side at 85 but much better than 132 last time! And it was low enough to get a better look at my FSH which was low enough- 4 something I think. Can't remember the number but they said it was good. I'm really relieved after spending a month worrying about diminished ovarian reserve that it doesn't look like that is a problem. It means we are really in the 'unexplained' category which has its own frustrations but it also means that there is no medical reason that this won't work. If it is a combination of a tilted uterus and low progesterone during the luteal phase then this should 'fix' both of those!
So I'm filled with optimism and excitement to start my shots tomorrow! I'm just praying for the right number of follicles now!

Day 2- off for baseline

Yesterday was the first time in a year I was glad to start my period! Dh was shocked that it was accompianed with tears and a total meltdown this time. I was expecting to start since we hadn't really 'tried' this last month (in the end, we had bd-ed two days before o and then not again which if I were 14 and having sex for the first time, would definitely have gotten me pregnant... but after months of carefully timing intercourse in the best four days before and on ovulation, I knew I wouldn't be this month). So I wasn't surprised ande avoided the pitiful hope and disappointment cycle.

Plus, I was waiting to start so I could start this treatment cycle. Since it's out first treatment cycle it's very exciting for us. Instead of just hoping that something would somehow be different this month, we are actually doing something different. Something that gives us according to my RE a 30% chance of getting pregnant- which is, btw, higher than a fertile person has on any given month so that's pretty awesome.

So today is Day 2 and I'm off for my baseline which I am not stressing about but am anxious to see if my estrogen is still high. Of course hoping it's lower but since they told me I'll be starting shots either way, I'm not obsessing over it as much. Then tomorrow it's my first round of injections- exciting and scary! I think I'll be most nervous for my monitoring on Friday because I don't want either a) only 1 follicle- I was doing that much on my own! b) 4 or more follicles since I agreed with dh to cancel for four (although I really would want to go forward with four or even five but Al is not so keen on the idea of quads!! Nor am i for that matter but I just don't see that happening). Anyway I'm hoping for 2 or 3 eggs which seems line a pretty fine margin for success!

Anyway, I'll post later with my baseline results!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Can't wait to shoot up!

Tomorrow morning between 9am-noon, my injectibles package will arrive in the mail and I'm really excited. Ok, admittedly I'm not thrilled about the shots, the drs appts and blood work etc. But what I am thrilled out is that one month from tomorrow I could be finding out I am pregnant and that makes all the rest ok. I know the stats are still technically against me (my dr said 30% chance) but I don't care. I still think I'm going to get pregnant this cycle. I really do believe it. I'm still trying not to let my imagination run wild and think about due dates etc but I am can't wait to get the whole process started! I think my dh is worried I'm a secret heroine addict that I'm so pumped for daily shots!

Actually I must credit dh for my cheerful mood. I was having a routine cry on Wednesday- most likely induced my AF's approaching arrival. I was feeling sorry for myself for a variety of reasons. And Al says- look we can look at this two ways: 1) poor us, we have to go through all this hassle and other people don't and it's not fair and life sucks. or 2) this is the month we are going to get pregnant. what else matters?

We chose option 2 so I am going to undertake this process with as much optimism and enthusiasm as possible. I know there could be hiccups along the way (biggest fear right now- too many eggs and cancelled cycle) and I know I'll worry and stress and get upset during the next 3 weeks but I am going to try to keep my attitude in check and keep my hopes up.

As for dh's job, it looks like it could be a couple of weeks before the next school districts post jobs so we're just taking this time to focus on the baby plan instead. And so all's ok there too!

I'll keep posting about my monitoring- praying for three beautiful eggs!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome ICLWers and future followers...

Hello to all who are popping by and visiting blogs. I started my blog about a month ago so it's all still new to me! I'd love more followers so feel free to join me on my journey to motherhood. Or leave me a quick comment! I'm 27 years old and just reached finished my 12th unsuccessful cycle of TTCing and officially qualified as 'infertile'. We're hoping to start injectibles soon but my last and only baseline to date showed elevated estrogen and my dr has warned if it is high again, I likely won't start this cycle. Plus, then I'd have to worry it's a sign of diminished ovarian reserve. So, it's kinda a scary and crazy wild ride and dh and I are just hanging on (to each other) for dear life. Praying for a good baseline and a successful first cycle of Injectibles +IUI! Reading other people's blogs going through IF has really helped me. It's encouraged me. Sometimes it's scared me! But it's shown me that it could be a long road so I need to have the right attitude to see it through. Thank you to bloggers out there that have helped me in my journey!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hope and Joy in the Midst of the Storm

Today was been a good day! After finding out that Al did not get the job on Wednesday, I pretty much emotionally shut down. I had been trying to stay positive and hopeful and focus on that potential great thing and not the potential scary thing (really old eggs). But when that didn't work out, I decided I had no reason not to collapse in despair. So it was a rough couple of days of tears, being edgy and bitchy to my wonderful husband and basically hosting my own very elaborate pity party.

Saturday was a stressful day because we had another job fair in the morning and another certification test in the afternoon. But today we slept in- I got up and went to the gym (inspired by my new probably irrational belief that exercise will magically lower my estrogen levels), did some grocery shopping (more irrational beliefs- drinking V8 will result in twins of course!) and then got to spend some quality time cudding, eating lunch together, having hot non baby making sex. It was very restorative for us. We really had the chance to re-connect and enjoy each other. It is days like today that make me realize we will survive this. Somehow we will get through to the other side and we will still adore each other when we get there. I have moments when I start to worry that between the job issue and the infertility, we will stop being us and just become these miserable stressed people. Anyway, then in the midst of a really tough week, we reach out and love each other and remember that we are so lucky.

There are moments when I think infertility might be the cruelest thing ever. But then I know that's not true. I had a beautiful wonderful childhood free of abuse, longing, pain really. I am married to an amazing man who loves me wholly and unconditionally. We are both otherwise healthy. Despite Al not having a full time teaching job, I am making good money and we are staying afloat in a lovely house. We have lots of support from our parents, including my parents being willing to pay our expensive fertility bills. We are truly blessed. And one day I KNOW, I truly believe and know with all my heart, we will be parents and our babies will be a tremendous blessing to us.

So for today, that's enough to bring a smile. Enough to keep me believing and hoping. That and the fantasy of my life with my babies (twins due to all the V8 obviously!) I know there will be days in the next few weeks where this cheerful person is impossible to find so I'll enjoy her today!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

No Job for DH

We officially found out today that Al did not get the job which has been devastating. I don't really have the energy to hash out why it's so disappointing but it felt like the 'perfect' job and it's gone now, after us hoping for it and thinking it would happen for 2 weeks. I'm sure you can pick up on the parallel that our life seems to be a lot of waiting and getting disappointed these days. I am just so sad- I'm not sure how much more disappointment I can take.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Trying to relax...

No news- I had an ultrasound and bloodwork which showed a mature egg and LH surge and how crazy is this- we didn't even try that day or the next. Which is kinda sad. But we did BD the night before so there's always a chance. But, poor DH is so weary of timed sex only for me to get so excited that I will be pregnant and then be crushed when I'm not. Since we're about to start the real roller coaster of fertility treatments, we decided on a true break for this month. No trying. Just enjoying each other and our sanity. And it makes total sense but it's hard for me. Knowing there was a big egg just waiting to be released yesterday and not having sex was so counter-intuitive to everything I've been doing. But then 11 cycles of very strategically planned sex and no baby to show for it so would it really have made a difference? probably not. And it's not like we didn't have sex any where near the time... I figure if it was God's plan to make a baby this month, a miracle is totally possible.

Meanwhile, no news on Al's job and trying to balance getting over it and not leting it continue to stress me and also not give up on it because I feel like until God gives us a 'no' I shouldn't give up on what I've been praying for. But given I'm supposed to be reducing my stress levels, I'm also trying to not obsess or think about it. One day we'll know the answer. In the meantime, we have to look into other jobs and work on a good backup plan.

With my really high estrogen levels, I'm worried we won't get to start injectibles next cycle. I'm praying it was a one off reading so I'm doing everything I can to lower it. No more caffeine. Trying to eat healthier (which is really hard for me) and trying to not stress. Exercising, napping and staying as rested and calm as possible. I'm going to get a couple of massages to see if that lowers my stress levels. I am contemplating acupuncture as well if the levels are still high. I guess I'm nervous about it but I'm trying not to think about it.

Instead I'm allowing myself to live in my baby fantasy land. I don't think about 'when'- I just allow myself to enjoy dreaming about my life with babies. Because it helps me remember that this will all be worth it. No matter how long it takes, it will be worth it. And it's not a race, my babies will come to me when it's time- it may be next month that they are conceived, it may be next year but I will do whatever I need to to bring them into this world.

My favorite fantasy at the moment is my multiples fantasy. Blocking out the bedrest and risk of premature birth (both very big real life issues but in my fantasy world, they don't matter!), I love the idea of twins or even triplets! I think partly I love to think about that because then it's easier to see a blessing coming from infertility. Like it may take us longer, but maybe we'll get to have my dream of twins happen. So I think about Addison and Caitlin and Josh- my baby names and I imagine them here with me. And it makes me happy and it makes me stop thinking about when and how and focus again on why.

Anyway, hanging in there and choosing hope and optimism.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A new plan B

So all of my plans are of course tentative and subject to being crushed. But my plan A had been that 1) Al would get this job at the great school and 2) I would get pregnant with 1 or 2 babies by the end of summer/august. Pretty good plan, hey?

Oh and bear in mind that that Plan A I just described is of course really Plan F or something since originally the plan was going to be that Al was working this year and I got pregnant in September/October. So it's the new Plan A and let's face it, I was doing well to even be happy at all about a plan that involves shots and us having endured a year on 1.5 incomes. But I got there over the past few months and Plan A was looking good!

Well, first blow to plan A was my high estrogen level making me wonder what on earth is going on in my body. And sending me into a panic spiral thinking about 5 failed IVFs etc. But, I decided to be optimistic (in denial) that was no cause to reject beloved plan A- after all, it's a pretty flexible plan. If my estrogen doesn't lower, I can go back on BCP and look at iui or ivf in June and the plan lives on!

Second blow to the plan was my friend who told me all about how I would probably have multiples (ok with me at first) and end up on bedrest at 20 weeks and cry every day when I have to leave my many children with expensive day care. Ok, that was hard because I had planend on working all but my 6 weeks leave (out of financial necessity and need to hold onto my good position not out of lack of desire to be home). But, ok... I probably won't actually get pregnant with more than one when I do and even if I do, I'll just have to take some time off and hope they don't permanently replace me at school or get a new job later on. Al will be working so we'd survive!

Third blow and perhaps the most crushing is Al not getting the job. Well, me assuming he hasn't gotten the job. They haven't called which has to be bad. So now I'm panicking because 1) we can't handle another year of failed attempts to get pregnant AND no money and Al hating subbing or 2) what if I do get pregnant with triplets the first time and Al can't get a job and then I have to be on bedrest?!?!?

Hence my intense panic and sadness. But I've got my bearings back and I think I've got in all back in perspective. What I've determined is that 1) Al probably will get a job. It may take a couple months longer than we want but I can't give up on all jobs now. 2) the main thing is having a baby. We can always move back to Australia once we have our children (cannot move before due to health insurance issues) and get great jobs again then. and 3) we will NEVER be out on the streets because my parents will support us. And I don't want that but if we do end up with multiples and I'm on bed rest and Al can't get work, we can live with my parents for a year and get gets or move after that.

So it's no plan A but plan B is that I get pregnant by the end of the year (giving myself more grace so the plan has more hope) and that's all that matters. If Al miraculously still gets this job, awesome! If he gets a job in a month or two, great! If we doesn't, it'll hurt but we will figure it out and we will be ok. So I'm back on board.

Notice there is no plan that involves me not getting pregnant because that one hurts too much so it's not really worth even making that plan!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shouldn't I get to pick my miracle?

Funny day today- I took a certification test on Saturday for teaching and I accidently signed up for the wrong test because well, I'm so preoccupied and emotional these days, I'm relieved I make it through most days without tripping and falling or getting in a wreck. Anyway, I didn't realize until I got there that I was taking the Science Composite test- Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science instead of just the Biology test. For no good reason, I attempted the whole test but left convinced I failed. I never even took Physics!

But today having totally forgotten about it, I thought I'd check my score. Surprise- I passed!!!

Now don't get me wrong- I was relieved because I really didn't want to have to take it again. And quite excited. But there was a little part of me that was like- really? that's the miracle i get! Month after month of failing the one test I want to pass, I am almost pissed off I then pass a test I really had no business passing!!!

And here we are dying to hear about Al's job and something I felt so positive about before is starting to feel like a long shot- meanwhile, something I had no hope for, I end up passing.

It kinda makes me wish I could pick my miracle. Like- God please give Al a job and fail me on the test, thanks.

Anyway, that's life I guess and hey, I'll take whatever good news I can get!

Meanwhile, thinking Al isn't going to get this job is devastating. I start to worry about all these crazy things like I'm going to get pregnant from IUI (which is always a better start to any fantasy than the opposite) and I end up with three babies (awesome!) but then Al doesn't have a job and I end up on bed rest and we become those sad people who can't afford their children!!!

Anyway, I really need Al to get a job so I can go head first into this treatment knowing that any outcome that ends in one or more babies is the best news ever!

And if he isn't going to get the job, for goodness sake's just tell us! Then I can cry and get upset but ultimately get over it. I can even start getting over it until we know because assuming he doesn't have it seems wrong. So we're in limbo and I just want to know. I just want to deal with whatever our reality is. it's like waiting for my period- just hurry up and come and stop teasing me!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

so hard to write about right now

There are days I could write for hours about my 'TTC journey' but today I'm so overwhelmed, confused and scared, words are hard.

Yesterday I went to have Day 3 bloodwork not expecting anything interesting. I had a transvaginal ultrasound (so much fun- haha) and didn't even think until like 8pm to check my voicemail to see if the nurse called with results. Well, she did and it tirns out that my estrogen levels are 130 something instead of below 50 which is normal. I don't fully understand what it means except I think it suggests a potential problem with egg quality or quantity- something like diminished ovarian reserve.

Which sounds utterly terrifying to me. I'm 27- how can I have a diminished ovarian reserve. And how do they help you then? I am ovulating every month so none of it makes sense. I start to think all these worst case scenario things like I have 10 eggs left and they are all terrible quality!

Meanwhile I can't even call the nurse until Monday and honestly I don't think they know what it means either so I think I'm a very long way away from answers...

I don't know if that changes our treatment plan or not- I don't know anything. I am really hoping and praying that it is not egg quality. Because even if it is quantity, we could move forward with IVF and just work with what I still have. I mean, the ultrasound showed plenty of follicles so surely we could get some eggs now and freeze embryos even. I don't know. I just don't want to waste any more time- especially if at 27 I might not have much more. Quality is way more scary, I guess. I don't know- it's all frightening.

So I know I have to move on somehow. I have to figure out how to just live my life because if I focus on this all the time, it gets too much. So I just have to enjoy the good in each day and trust that somehow someday we will figure this out and be parents.

In other news, Al feels really positive about his job interview and our friend at the school says he is in the top 3. I am praying and hoping so hard for him to get that job. It would be so AMAZING for us. Like I think I could put all the pregnancy pain aside and be genuinely happy- thrilled- for a long time just over that. So I am trying to at least hang in there for a couple more days because great news could be just around the corner...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A tough week

After my initial enthusiasm about to the dr and getting going with a 'treatment plan', I soon discovered that the plan involved a lot of uncertainty, definitely a lot of pain and fear and not nearly as much hope as I had thought. So, I dealt with it in a really mature way- denial. As a psychology teacher, I must say it is fascinating to watch myself use the full array of Freudian defense mechanisms in coping with infertility (as this marked our 12th period since being off BCP, I am still new to using the dreaded I word)

You know there is rationalization like 'it's good it's taken us longer because we've had all this extra time together and had the chance to grow closer' (yeah right- it sucks). Regression or returning to child like behaviour like when I lie in bed and cry holding on to my teddy bear. Or reaction formation when i'm like 'i don't even want to be pregnant yet- I want to go the gym and lose weight and just enjoy being thin and young' (first of all, 27 isn't young and 2nd of all, I really hate the gym). Displacement is a favorite when I become filled with hatred towards my 14 year old student who is pregnant- or really anyone who ever has, is or will be pregnant...

But then there is the really dangerous one- denial. In it's more subtle forms, it's like 'oh I'm sure this will be the month!" But the really scary one is when you are riddled with PMS symptoms and so obviously about to start but still insist that you are pregnant. That was how I spent Tuesday and Wednesday. So after starting to have PMS symptoms on Thurs-Fri last week, I was expected my period Monday. Well, when dear old Aunt Flo didn't show Monday or Tuesday, I started to think 'maybe...' By Wednesday, I was convinved. I wasn't going to have to do fertility treatments, I was going to have a Christmas baby, I'd be through my first trimester by my birthday- oh I had it all planned out from when I'd take the test to how we'd tell every single person I know. In hindsight, I was of course pathetic, self damaging and perhaps delusional...

So when my period came this morning, I had to abandon old reliable denial and return to rationalization... December was probably not the best time, an April baby will be better, with the fertility drugs we have increased odds of twins which would be better given my fertility difficulties, I still need to lose a little more weight before I start gaining it, yadda yadda yadda.

So now that I am out of the land of crazy sad denial, I can finally write about Monday and about the plan. And in a way I am relieved. I mean, of course not that I'm not pregnant but that at least I KNOW I'm not and can stop freaking out and going to the bathroom every 30 minutes to check...

Anyway- Monday. Well, I had this great plan in my head that we'd go on Clomid and have IUI with the clomid (the dr had mentioned the IUI) and I'd do it three months in a row (May, June, July) and even though I've read some low success stats, I figured that wouldn't apply to me. I mean, I just have a tilted uterus and nothing else wrong. Surely Clomid and IUI would work a charm for me and by July, I'd be blissfully pregnant.

Well, I was wrong on many accounts. First of all, the dr doesn't think the tilted uterus alone can really account for our year of failed attempts so he could classify us as 'unexplained infertility' which seems to mean something is really wrong but we don't know what so we'll just randomly start doing things and hope something works. Awesome!

Secondly, given I ovulate regularly already, there is not a lot of potential benefit from Clomid and the dr said we'd have a 10% chance on any given month of it working. This was a huge blow to me- surely it would be like 20-30 if not higher! I mean, I said to Al but we had a 25% chance any normal month- how can it not be any higher with all that. He pointed out that healthy fertile couples have a 25% chance- we probably only ever had like a 2% chance so it is increasing our chances. If we do injectibles (shots), we'd have a 30% chance and if we do IVF, we'd have a 60% chance- all that based on our diagnosis, my age and the clinic's success rates.

Well, the best part of the whole thing is that Al and I left and had separately come to the same conclusion- that being that clomid kinda seemed like a waste of time and money for us. The dr recommended that if we did try clomid, we do so for only 2 or 3 months so we'd be looking at 2-3000 dollars and at best a 20-30% chance. And chances are we'd still end up needing to do the injectibles. Now the injectibles+IUI have a 30% chance each cycle so we figure if we do them 3 times in a row, odds are high we'll end up pregnant. So, in Al's business oriented mind- 3 rounds of IUI are the best odds for your buck. And in my mind, I can't handle three failed rounds of Clomid. So we agreed to skip Clomid and go straight to injectibles.

And we are very blessed because we are able to make this choice financially because my parents are actually paying for the treatment which is just massive. Like I feel so blessed every time I think about that. And so even though injectibles are 2500 dollars instead of 1000, my dad is happy for us to start there.

There's a couple of things about it that are particularly hard for me to come to terms with though. First of all, the shots. I am a baby about shots and the idea of Al having to give me daily shots is pretty terrifying for me. It's a lot less pleasant than my previous plan to swallow a Clomid down with a nice Coke Zero. Secondly, there is still only a 30% so no matter how you look at, there's a 70% chance it won't work. If I told you there was a 70% chance of rain tomorrow, you'd assume it would rain. Now this is the part where I am really trying to trust in God and not numbers and believe that God is not bound by odds so I am choosing to live in faith that it will work! Plus, it's 30% per attempt so it's much higher that it will work after 3 months.

Ok, and my third concern and probably the one I am having the hardest time with is- the way it all works, I cannot count on a timeline for our three IUIs. If they find I have too many mature follicles (more than 4), they won't follow through with the IUI. Which I know makes sense and we are not open to selective reduction so it really is essential because especially your first round, 5 follicles could lead to quintuplets and we can't handle that! But it just means that even though we're starting injectibles next month, there's no gaurantee we'll even get to try that month. Especially the first month, we don't know how I'll respond to the drugs and they'll be the most cautious. For your first one, they may not go forward even with 4 eggs. So that kinda does my head in because I can't know when we'll get our first real attempt. Then there's also a risk you develop cysts and have to have time off between injectible cycles. So I worry that if it took 3 IUIs, that could somehow manage to take like 9 months- argh!

But for now, I just have to take it one step at a time and embrace the potential and the positive. While all of these worst case scenarios could be true, I could also respond well the first time, have 3 eggs (that's what I am hoping for) and get pregnant on my first IUI- with twins, even better! So there's so much to worry about and so much risk in every direction but there's hope so I choose hope.

So that's my week. I will write again about Al's job interview (!!!) but I am happy to say that in the midst of the storm and despite no good news on our ttc front, I do feel God's peace and that is enough for today.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Other Big Deal

In the midst of our journey through infertility, we've been struggling with another journey and that is our quest to get my husband Al a teaching job. When we moved here, he had been teaching in Australia at a private school with one of the best reputations in the state. In our naivety and ignorance, we assumed getting jobs here was going to be easy. We are great teachers with great experience after all!

Well, it turns out things are not so simple here. There were huge hurdles to jump over- like having certification in Texas for the right subject area. And that was a hurdle that just kept popping up. We finally got Al enrolled to take his correct certification tests and he passed all the relevant ones in late February/early March. He has one left to do but it won't influence what he teaches. We also had the hurdle of getting permanent residence for him since he came over on a 1 year work travel visa initially. Well, that came in the mail in early March. While doing all that, he's been subbing at schools throughout our school district. The pay is crap and the work is irregular at times but it is also flexible and has allowed him to be in schools.

So hooray- he's now certified and legally able to work- let's get a job! And that brings us to Saturday- the JOB FAIR! We went and visited nine schools and left with lots of smiles and we'll keep you in mind and even one mini interview. Al left overjoyed and I left optimistic. But today I'm getting scared. The principal at the mini interview school said let's get him in this week but the other teacher conducting the interview said we'll email you. Is that like a guy saying 'i'll call you' after a date when he has no intention of calling??? Here at my school they've scueduled 3 interviews already and he's heard nothing!

So, trying not to panic but it'd just be so awesome if he could go ahead and get a job lined up and I just don't know if we can handle another crushing disappointment right now. So I'm praying and trusting and trying not to worry...

Oh, while on this topic, the handful of people who know we're trying to concieve have sometimes expressed surprise we have been doing so 'before Al has a job'. Well, point one he is a substitute teacher and has worked almost every day I have so it's not really like he's unemployed and bringing in no money. And we also started before we knew he wouldn't have a job and were so dedicated to becomming parents by then. Plus, it's nine months after you get pregnant so we figured he'd have a job before the baby came and that was all that mattered. In the meantime, i have a job. I don't know- I just sometimes get this judgemental vibe from people like maybe I haven't gotten pregnant because God doesn't give babies to unemployed couples. Which is ridiculous on so many levels... and you probably think that's in my head but the number of times I've heard 'maybe God's just waiting for Al to get a job...' It kinda makes my blood boil...

Anyway, I would love for him to have a job secured for his happiness, my sanity and just a little bit to shut the cynical ones up. Oh, and also just in case God is waiting on Al to get a job... please hurry up and hire my husband!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How we met our RE...

So in my last story I think I sweepingly covered our close to a year of trying to conceive. Well, I went to the dr after about 6 months for a pap smear and just to get bloodwork done and rule out any physical problems. I hadn't had a check up in a long time so it seemed like a great idea. Well, God is just so awesome because he led me to the perfect GP very indirectly. I had an appointment planned with my parents dr but the day of the appointment, the clinic called and that dr was out sick so I said, fine I'll just take whoever is there. Well, I met Dr Perkinson who has the kindest man who- get this- had battled infertility himself. His wife got pregnant after 13 months of trying and he knew how I was feeling and how hard what I'm going through is. Well, he talked to me for a while and I found the whole thing very reassuring.

But I wasn't planning on doing any tests or anything until I got to 12 months and I figured then I'd go to an Ob/Gyn. Well, a couple of months later, I had to go back to my GP for an throat infection and he was so kind and asked all about how our 'ttc' efforts were going. We were at around 8 months by then and he suggested I go ahead and call an RE and get an appointment and start testing and so forth. He recommended Houston Fertility Institute and I left with a referral.

To my surprise but delight, my husband agreed with moving ahead and a month later, after 9 failed cycles, we met our RE. Of course, we were so nervous about this initial appointment even though in reality absolutely nothing really happened! But we did plan our upcoming tests and I was relieved to know that we'd have answers within a month or so.

Well, I will give the quick version now and maybe another time I can go back and describe the emotions and the humor of fertility testing. But, we discovered that I seemed to be ovulating normally (which was not a surprise since I had been using OPKs the past few months). Al's semen analysis came back very positive (and his self esteem has been soaring since discovering just how healthy his swimmers are!) and my HSG showed open tubes but a very tilted uturus.

On the day of the HSG, the RE threw out the idea that an IUI could help correct for the tilt of the uterus which may (but may not) be making conception difficult. From my research, a tilted uterus often has no effect but in absence of any other reasons, it seems like trying to 'fix' that hindrance is the best place to start...

So in the month almost since my HSG I've pretty much designed my own treatment course and tomorrow I go to the RE and hope that he agrees with me! I am hoping to start on Clomid this cycle and then do three rounds of IUI the next three months. Right now I just have to believe that it will work and I will get pregnant. I can't worry about that not working either and what all that would mean so I am choosing to embrace optimism and believe that within the next four months, I will have a beautiful baby in my belly!

OK, that's all for now- I'll update about tomorrow's appointment!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another Period, Another Sad Day

Welcome to my blog! Since I am not ready to open up to all our friends and family about the details our of journey to become parents, I am not sure who will even be reading this blog right now. But I wanted a way to chronicle this next stage in our journey and I've loved reading other people's blogs and so I hope this will one day be the platform for sharing our joys and not just frustrations!

I guess a bit of background would be appropriate! When I was 16, I moved to Melbourne Australia from Houston Texas. Although anxious initially about leaving friends and starting at a new school in a totally different world, I did embrace the challenge and of course, know now that it was the best thing that could have happened to me! After being there about a year, I met a charming, wonderful, sweet boy who made me so happy. He was always doing the kindest things for me. My favorite story is that the first time we officially met was on Biology Camp (yep, we're total nerds!) and we had to do this activity that involved walking out into this mangrove mud (like a swamp). Being the ever graceful girl I am, I got stuck in the mud and couldn't free myself from my boots. So Alister came out into the swamp and lifted me out of my boots and carried my back to dry land and then went back for my boots. And he's been rescuing me from crises big and small ever since!

We dated for years because we weren't going to get married until we finished college. And this ended up being a LONG time because after completing a 5 year commerce and law degree and during his first year at an accounting firm, Al decided he wanted to join me as a teacher and ended up going back to school to become a teacher. During his first year of teaching and my 3rd year, he popped the question to my great delight.

Actually, to go back a few months. 2008 was Al's first year of teaching and we lived together in this amazing apartment on a very trendy road in Melbourne, Australia. I had changed schools and was loving my new job and Al was loving teaching. It was a really very happy stage. We were lying in bed reflecting on how content we were one day in May and we started our usual talk about having babies one day and both ended up saying we really felt like we were ready for a little one in our lives. We got so excited about it and even created this great plan that I'd go off the pill and we'd get engaged and have a quick engagement and go ahead and have a baby!

It was a thrilling couple of weeks of talking about it but of course, we both knew it wasn't how we wanted to do things. As much as we were ready for that step, we also wanted to get engaged and enjoy the lead up to a wedding. I wanted to have a long engagement and plan a big wedding and I wanted to not be pregnant at my wedding. Plus, we both knew my parents would NEVER recover if we did get pregnant before married and had a whirlwind engagement. My mom had been dreaming of my wedding longer than I had and I knew if was imporant to everyone- including us- that we take the time to savor getting married.

In the midst of all these talks about babies and the future, we made another huge decision. We started talking about raising our babies once we were married and had them and about owning a home and so forth. And Al suggested that maybe we ought to think about moving to America where we can afford to buy a house and where my parents are available to help us when we have little ones. Plus, that would enable us to have the big American wedding I'd always wanted and actually be there for the build up. It started as this kind of crazy plan but this one somehow stuck and we started to feel more and more confident that it would be the right move for our future and our precious family we were going to have.

So I a couple of months later, we had the big dramatic engagement with Al getting down on one knee in a restaurant. Soon after annoucing our engagement we announced our plan to move to America and in December 2008 we made the big move to The Woodlands, Texas!

2009 was a big year! The first 6 months were so exciting as our wedding approached. We also were substitute teaching and looking at jobs. In May, I got offered a full time teaching position at a high school. We went out to celebrate and decided that day that I'd stop taking the pill. We wouldn't try until we were married 2 months later but we'd heard it is better to have a couple of months without it in your system so I took my last pill in early May and started dreaming of my baby every night and daydreaming of Al and I being parents every day.

July 3 was the happiest and most wonderful day of my life as I married the love of my life. The week leading up to our big day was pure joy with all our family and friends out and the weeks after were blissful. We actually went to Vegas with Al's family for a week right after getting married (a slightly unorthodox 'honeymoon' experience but as they were only out from Australia for 2 weeks, we wanted to enjoy every minute with them!).

In August, we went on our 'real' honeymoon, a month after being married. We waited in hopes that Al would be able to secure a job during July. Unfortuntely this had not happened but we set off to Jamaica for a week at a Sandals resort. This was when we really started 'trying' to have a baby. We didn't actively prevent in July but because of when my health care was going to start up, we didn't try then either. It had taken my 8 weeks to even have a period after coming off the pill so I didn't expect it to happen in July anyway. But August came and by this point, I'd be insured by the time I could find out I was pregnant so we were good to go.

Of course hindsight in 20/20 but I do regret now that we spend our honeymoon consumed with 'we're making a baby' which was lots of fun but also meant I wouldn't drink any alcohol or caffeine or sit in a hot tub! I also wish that we had just taken that week to focus on us and the present but hey, it was a fantastic week so all is well that ends well.

I won't go through month by month the tears and disappointment but it has been a really hard 9 months. Because my periods are only 24 days, I have actually had 11 periods since trying and so 11 disappointments. The first few months were filled of course with analyzing every symptom and just being sure I was pregnant now! The few months after that were filled with sobbing episodes and enormous hearthache as what I thought would happen so quickly was not happening. The past few months have been consumed with testing and acceptance that we are going to have to get help which is also emotionally draining.

So I'll go for now and write more soon about what lies ahead for us. Being a mom has been my dream for as long as I can remember and it's been two years now since Al and I decided we desperately wanted to make a baby together. I know we'll get there eventually but in the meantime there are a lot of babytears while we wait on our miracle.