Friday, April 30, 2010

In love with 4 follies!

I had my first monitoring appointment this morning! I was so anxious and excited! I had an 815 appointment but got there at 8 so they brought me on in. I guess I was worried either the meds weren't working and there would just be one lone follie growing like normal or they'd be working too well and there would be 8-10 follies growing away.

But I don't have the blood results yet but... my left side has 4 follies- one around 11mm and three more between 8-9mm. I was getting a little nervous at this point with that many around the same size. Thankfully I suppose, right ovary is pretty lazy this month and only one follie around 6mm. The nurse thinks it's unlikely that little one will mature in time with the others so it's looking like I'll have four follies on my left side. Maybe only 3 in the end, depending how the next week goes. Originally, dh and I had thought we wouldn't go forward with 4 but the nurse advised we do. The risk of three or four is still very small with IUI rather than IVF and with me having me releasing one egg every month and not getting pregnant, the chances of every egg fertilizing seem small. So I think we will follow dr's orders and go through with 4 or less eggs! From what I've read, lots of people have IUIs with that many eggs and so it seems like a reasonble decision. Thankfully I called dh and he seemed happy with that from the short phone call so I think it's looking pretty likely we'll be having an IUI in about a week!

Needless to say, I'm thrilled to have made it to this point. When we first starting down this road, I had prepared myself to a) not be able to do shots this month due to hormone levels or b) have to cancel IUI due to medicine over-working or not working. So having prepared myself to not get to do this, I am stoked that we are actually doing it! I have such a great feeling about this!


  1. Wohooo that's great news!!! I really hope this is your cycle =) and you get a BFP in three weeks.

  2. Great news. All sounds good and best of luck with your IUI next week. I know that you'll keep us posted. I had 4 follies, but only one dominant matured so I thought it was worth a shot. I have 8 more days to go, but I am feeling positive!
