Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome ICLWers and future followers...

Hello to all who are popping by and visiting blogs. I started my blog about a month ago so it's all still new to me! I'd love more followers so feel free to join me on my journey to motherhood. Or leave me a quick comment! I'm 27 years old and just reached finished my 12th unsuccessful cycle of TTCing and officially qualified as 'infertile'. We're hoping to start injectibles soon but my last and only baseline to date showed elevated estrogen and my dr has warned if it is high again, I likely won't start this cycle. Plus, then I'd have to worry it's a sign of diminished ovarian reserve. So, it's kinda a scary and crazy wild ride and dh and I are just hanging on (to each other) for dear life. Praying for a good baseline and a successful first cycle of Injectibles +IUI! Reading other people's blogs going through IF has really helped me. It's encouraged me. Sometimes it's scared me! But it's shown me that it could be a long road so I need to have the right attitude to see it through. Thank you to bloggers out there that have helped me in my journey!

1 comment:

  1. I am new to Blog Land as well...Don't think of yourself as 'infertile' just yet...I have been using injectibles and just did my 2nd IUI procedure. If you ever have any questions, feel free to read my blog or post a question ANYTIME!
